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Darkness can be fairly limiting. It has many dangerous side effects that we all need to be aware of:

  • It can cause you to stumble

  • It can make you feel lost

  • You can feel like you don’t have all the information

This has the following side effects on your life:

  • You move slower

  • You’re less confident

  • You live in a constant state of anxiety

We’ve been through moments like this throughout history. Many of us won’t remember the Great Depression but its name alone gives you a good sense of how bad it was. It started in the ’30s and was triggered by the stock market collapse in 1929 after the war. Imagine the darkness you feel when your life savings are wiped out in a moment.

I sometimes feel like this when Elon Musk posts investment polls on Twitter:

It’s actually not God’s intention that you stumble through life. There is light at the end of the tunnel. The bible has a very interesting part that says “your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”

The thing about darkness is that you can’t wait until it gets dark to start preparing for it. When you have a lamp and you’re moving it means that you need to have a way to light the lamp, you need to have prepared.

There are things we can do about the darkness now:

  • Put up the fences and guardrails - it’s ironic that the same King who put up rails early in his life couldn’t find a way to do it later on. An example is David who refused to kill his enemy but then later slept with Bathsheeba. It’s all about the rails.

  • Set a clear direction for your life - If you’re walking in the right direction it doesn’t matter what it looks like outside, you’re heading to the right spot. An example is Nicodemus, a teacher in the bible. Even when all his colleagues took a different opinion he didn’t change his. What are the core truths you build on?

  • Push back the darkness - It’s not enough to be reactive you need to be offensive as well. Don’t let the darkness get close and setup light all around you. That could be friends, a routine, or a mission. Whatever you choose be aggressive about making it happen, start today.

The best way to live in the light is to have a relationship with Jesus. That move alone could be a game-changer for you because He brings the light to you.