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It seems that on the global stage our politicians are always worrying. Just today more countries announced boycotts to the Beijing 2022 winter Olympics. As tensions rise you begin to wonder what some of the outcomes will be? Will this result in war or maybe sanctions? The truth is that we’ll never know.

So instead of worrying maybe we should take a different posture. This new position is more offensive than it is reactive. It’s grounded in talking to God about our problems.

Here are a few thoughts on how to do this:

  • Pray about everything - there is no situation that’s too hard for God to figure out. Even if it’s a question about how you're going to get to your bus on time, just give it to God. You don’t need to carry your burdens alone.

  • Be specific about what you need - we often times just blabber on about our problems but we don’t take the time to ask God what we need. This is related to faith, when we can articulate the ask it’s possible to believe for the answer.

  • Be thankful for what has already been - it’s rare that life gives us no wins. There is usually something to celebrate, when we focus on these things it creates a sense of gratitude. This has the positive effect of crowding out worry and fear.

Your life is valuable to God. You need to recognize that he’s making things happen for you. So don’t worry, just bring him your fears.